06 December 2011

One last hooo-rah

            This is not a final post of any sort, but I just feel like I’m giving school my final effort and my last hoorah for the semester. There are finals and quizzes and projects that require a lot of my time. So does my job. But I haven’t been as stressed as past semesters, which is crazy because Kent is here too! :) Someone once told me Kent is probably equivalent to 20 credits, but those are 20 credits of fun and enjoyable times and memories made together. It has really been a wonderful semester for the two of us and we have grown so much. And I wouldn’t trade those credits for anything!

ice cream!
                Last night we tried to surprise each other. I showed up at his interview while he showed up at the end of my class (both at 4:45). We must have taken different routes because we texted each other asking where the other one was and we had switched places. My class got out early so I ran to Zion’s Bank – where he had an interview, and he ran to my photo class (but I got out early). He ran back to Zion’s while I cashed some checks and then we changed something in Kent’s account and traveled over to Jamba Juice in the 1 degree weather. WE GOT THE WHITE GUMMY WITH RASPBERRY! We really enjoyed it because of the taste and also because Kent had a gift card and it was free. While walking back to get ready for Kent’s Christmas ward party, we froze. It was the coldest day of my life. My nose and mouth felt like someone was pinching them. Kent’s ears were falling off from the chills. We had to take 2 breaks on the way home – one at Jimmy Johns, and one in the corner of the stairs to my apartment complex. It was probably the coldest I’d ever been.

                We got through it and made it home, changed and went to a Christmas party for Kent’s ward from Church! The food was DELICIOUS there was Turkey, mashed potatoes, rolls, stuffing, corn, cake and (Kent’s personal favorite) Cranberry sauce! Mmmmmmm I could hear my tummy saying “thank you” – due to a major shift from macaroni, ramen, and cereal.
Helping clean up 

                We were dropped off at my apartment and walked to the Library (still chilly). I did one assignment while kent looked at the free rental DVD’s. We chose this cute Christmas love story with these old people and how they were so different, but fell in love. At the end they started kissing. It was kind of weird and we were like “ehhhhww.” but then we decided we are going to kiss when we are old too. Ha 

I am home again in 11 days - I am SO excited to see my family again!! It's going to be tough because I'll miss my man. a lot. But I can't wait to be in my own home again with those wonderful people. LOVE YOU!!

This is me with finals.. I know I will miss this someday.

Have a great Tuesday!

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