25 June 2012

we're moving.

A new little married life means a new little married blog!

 follow us there :)

14 June 2012


I have been neglecting this little blog due to distractions (like Kent Buys) and my mind is going a million times a minute about this wedding stuff! Basically I packed my life for the next three weeks tonight in bags because we leave for Kansas City tomorrow to stay in a hotel and be there for the next morning - which is the sealing! :)

Kent Buys and I have been together and every day goes by a little bit faster than the previous. It's already FRIDAY!? Seriously.

We are so lovey dovey I think my parents and other people in public hate it, but I love it! It is the best and I am loving these wedding jitters. I never want them to leave!

Today Claire and I got our nails done at K nails. It was fun and we both got shilaque (whatever) stuff on our fingers and they are SO WONDERFUL. The best part was having my nails done was having Kent there to take pictures and rub my back while she did my nails. I LOVE HIM. 

We also decorated the reception and I love it. I have had zero stress and said, "sure!" or "whatever looks good to you" like 10 times. I just want it to be done, and we're both happy with it and so that's just great! 

Our second day together

The beautiful temple! I love the temple!

Due to running around town all day tomorrow and leaving for Kansas city, I don't think we will ever get a post in before we leave for the honeymoon. :(

But I love you all and we will be back in a week! To guide you over to our new blog as mr. and mrs. buys :)

Oh! I also made this while I was at the temple:

These are pictures of things on the temple grounds that say our last name. Our friends David and Lauren had one as a gift for their wedding, and so I made one for us.

Together FOREVER! <3 Love you Sweetie

12 June 2012

The most amazing day. sofar.

We matched ... WHAAAA?

At my dad's concert in the park :)

Our new little car!

Everyone is good, happy, healthy and SO IN LOVE.

Bring on the week!


In just two hours I will see the man of my dreams walk onto my lawn and throw his arms around me. BUT WHO'S COUNTING?
Seriously it feels like a weird dream. There is so much I could be doing, but I can't focus so I just walk around the house or go on the computer or go to the bathroom. It doesn't feel real, yet he keeps telling me he's almost here. I am sitting by the window and when a car goes by my heart beats a little faster - because one of them is going to have my future husband inside.

Last night I went to bed at 1:30pm due to helping my sister with her new cute blog and showering. I woke up at 5:37am and laid there for an hour just thinking that in 9 hours he will be here. This is pathetic! But I am just so stinking excited and he is all I can think about! 

So, I went for a run.
I NEVER run in the morning. It was so nice to get some of this energy out before I woke up and did stuff. I was back in time to help with the house cleaning. Did you know that it's cooler in the morning in Kansas?? Sounds dumb, but I didn't.

At 11am Claire and I went to a "free spa treatment" Mary Kay thing at this fun lady's house.
The PERFECT day to get my makeup done if you ask me. 

The food is cooking, people are presentable, and the balloon is on the mailbox. I'd say we are ready for some Kent Buys!

Oh, and I haven't eaten all day.

Hopefully tonight we will get a little post up of us.... TOGETHER!
So happy now, I can't contain it.

10 June 2012

rough stuff

This older lady at church today asked me if I was sad that I was loosing her. I replied, "yeah."I just went with the flow, having no idea what she was talking about. And then she said, "Well she could have waited a few years, but what can you do?"

She thought I was Claire.

She was talking about me.

I just had a really rough day at church today. I came home, called Kent and cried telling him the horrible things that happened and how I felt alone and how I felt people were attacking me. (I'm WAY too emotional to present myself in public, obviously). It felt like I was on my own and I didn't have all the answers.
But not everything went horrible. I got to sing with the choir next to a lovely lady who made me laugh, a Sister from the ward gave an amazing talk about how to live with Faith and find it, she also complimented me on a craft I did, I taught cute 11 year olds and they were so nice to me, I forgot to hand out the brownies after that class - so I had a brownie on the way home, and then I came home to call my wonderful fiance who comforted me and supported me and gave me so much strength and told me he can't wait to be by my side the next time something crazy like this comes up.

Today wasn't so bad after all. Now the only terrible thing is that my eyes are supper puffy and I don't know how to get rid of it. I'm pretty sure I will be crying the entire morning/evening of our sealing/ring ceremony. So basically my pictures are gonna be awesome.

*Also* I noticed that I say Kint, not Kent. I need to fix that... 

I heart this man.

09 June 2012

without internet

We have been without internet for one whole day. That is totally annoying if you ask me. How in the world am I supposed to skype my best friend?!

NEways, here's what I've been up to:

*cleaning the whole house for awesome people to show up in THREE DAYS!!
*weeding the garden
*swimming/getting burnt/peeling my skin off. ouch.
*still growing my nails out! I never do this. So far 7/10 have made it.
*working on a new photog website
*counting down the days... 7!
*writing thank you cards
*sleeping in Claire's bed while she is gone.
*trying out 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels (it was my first day.. haha)
*I got perfume yesterday from Gap and I LOVE it! I hope Kent will too! :)

Stay tuned for a post with Kent! :)

07 June 2012

love notes

I never knew how cute and in love I am with wedding cards. There are so many cute sayings and it just makes me giddy reading through them! I plan to keep them all under my bed and read them when life gets tough.

Thank you!

I don't know why, but while talking to Kent the other day he decided to be hilarious. These are some of the things he said:

"You will always be the dark one in our family" - referring to my attempt to tan but I was burnt badly.

"It's Christmas every week around here! And it's about to be Christmas everyday!!" - referring to the cards I send him weekly. 

That guy cracks me up.