28 February 2011

I love Library workers.

Conversation I had today:
Me: "Hi. Do you know where the Writing Lab is?"
Library man worker in vest: (shouting) "WELCOME TO THE WRITING CENTER! IT'S RIGHT HERE." (puts arms out and spins in circle)
Me: Really? Did you really just do that? (just imagine a taken back look on my face). Are you really going to yell and let everyone know I had no idea where the writing lab was? Great.
"So can I just come by on Wednesday?"
Me: "Yeah, sure." Anything to get you to stop yelling. 
(Writing name on a paper). "Okay goodbye."
Library man worker in vest: "GREAT! I WILL SEE YOU ON WEDNESDAY!!" 
Me: Oh my gosh I can't wait for Wednesday.

23 February 2011

I'm so funny

{ This is me the day before school at BYU-Idaho - in our hotel - 9/8/2010 }

Here is a snipit from an email I sent to my mom on 9/15/10:

Yesterday I dropped my face-scrub-soap bottle into the toilet. I rinsed it off with Hot water and soap, so it's clean now, right?
I walked all the way across campus in a silly outfit just to go get some more quarters for laundry in the future. 
Today I tried to squeeze myself through a 6-inch gap between a truck and a car, I made it through, but I had to laugh at myself.
These aren't really things I learned.. but they are funny freshman stories that I hope you like :)
Thanks for raising me with an attitude of, it's okay to laugh at my mistakes. 
Love you lots,
p.s. we go through AT LEAST 3 rolls of toilet paper per week. It's a little insane. I'm trying to use only 3-4 squares now. 
I got an A on both quizzes!

I write give you this because 30 minutes ago I was just casually drinking my water when I drop my bottle onto the table and EVERYTHING splashed *onto my face! EVERYTHING. Oh, come on Anna, it was just a little water. I was COVERED in H2O. It was soooo embarrassing. I literally had to wipe my face off multiple times with my hands. 

But I can laugh about it... now. So it reminded me of this email. :)
Yay. Okay now I have to write a paper.
~ Tootles ~
p.s. Do you ever get those weird situations where you look at a word, and say it, and suddenly you wonder why it exists? *Onto. Onto should correctly be pronounced "(oh-no-toe)". weiiiird.

18 February 2011

I can never decide

{ What's a little fishy need to decide? nothin. - This is SPAZ. He is 5 months old. }

There are WAY too many choices in life. It is sometimes hard for me to make the simpliest decision. Today it was lunch. What was I going to eat? I wasn't to the point of starvation, and I had already eaten breakfast, so what was the answer to my plea? I walked up and down the lunch room, testing my taste buds to see what their say was in this mediocre choice. It was between an Apple Crisp Salad, Orange Chicken, a Sandwich, Chicken Strips, and Pepperoni Pizza. After much concideration, I went for the Salad. Best decision of my life. The apples made my taste buds awake and I can't remember the last time I had a vegetable (sad, I know). Win-win situation if you ask me. 

If every small decision requires at least 15 minutes of thought, I'm not going to do so well in the future. SO MANY DECISIONS TO MAKE. 

3 day weekend everyone! Don't get sick like me.

17 February 2011

Just one of those Days...

I am sick, yet again. But I'm trying to be happy :)
There are so many things I take for granted each and every day. It's sad.

I think this semester has really opened my eyes to the plan that the Lord has for each one of our lives. The hardest part I think is the realization, and then prayer has helped me see and realize the infinite love that our Heavenly Father and Savior have for us. 

Look for the beauty in each day, really, try it. 

14 February 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

How are you going to spread the love today?

For FHE (Family Home Evening) tonight we are doing a service project. We will attempt to make cookies and then deliver them to people in need of some lovin'.
I have the best butter cream icing recipe here.
And banana bread one here.

{ Have a Happy Valentine's Day! }


10 February 2011

Awkward AND Awesome

{ The awesome and awkward me }

Sometimes you just need to appreciate those awesome and awkward moments of your week.

- Choking on water in the quiet section of the Library... I seem to do this a lot
- Feeling really dumb in Book of Mormon class because we are talking about the teachings of Isaiah
- I went running, and this kid tried to hold a conversation while running... yeah that doesn't really work for me
Finding my underwear in our apartment's bathroom because I forgot to take it back to my room after showering

* My granny sent me a Valentines Day package :)
* All of my valentines were successfully mailed yesterday
* The banana bread I made for English class was DELICIOUS
* I went to the cupcake factory and had a Cupcake Brownie (yuummm...) in celebration of doing well on a test that didn't even matter
* We are learning an AWESOME tap routine in tap - I'm beast at it.
* Playing Harry Potter UNO with cool people!
* Crashing a Stake Dance
* Eating a bowl of brownies and ice cream, even though you know you shouldn't

{ Happy Valentines Day! }

I am having an awesome/awkward week, and I hope you are too!

07 February 2011


{ pretty colors }

Today in band we talked about the importance of listening to one another, in order to balance and produce the correct sound. Listening is SO IMPORTANT. When I listen to the Spirit, my heart and mind are more in-tune to the things the Lord wants me to do. This morning I prayed for opportunities to serve and be where the Lord would want me to be. While walking to the testing center, I was approached by a lady who needed help finding the Clark building. I led her right to the room she needed to be in, and when she thanked me, my heart began to swell. I've been paying more attention to little moments like that. Moments where the Spirit touches me because of the good things I have done. 

Right now I'm in the quiet section of the library eating All Natural Dried Cranberries. yummm.
SO much sugar in these things..

05 February 2011

{ valentines day wish }

Today Morgan and I went Valentine Card shopping. I got some pretty sweet ones. Have you ever seen Hoops and YoYo? They are the cutest green and pink things you will ever see. Check them out here.

Well, I never got my homework done over the weekend.. But what's new? I'm in the process of finishing up a paper for Monday. I think it's my best work yet.

Have you ever eaten brownies to your fullest capacity? That just happened to me!
It hurts.

03 February 2011


{ My little laptop that gets me through these days }

02 February 2011

Below Zero

(The Rexburg sky in it's better days)

Wow. I have zero motivation to do homework. A big fat zero.

This morning while I walked to my 9:oo class,  it was 25 degrees BELOW ZERO. I live in an ice cube. I made my way to class all bundled up in a scarf, thinking it would help. Newp, it sure didn't. The only thing it did was freeze my eyelashes. I would breath warm air and it bounced back up and froze my eyes shut! Not gonna lie, it looked pretty cool. 

I took a tap dance test today. I also tripped up some stairs. Lost all confidence in that one moment. I took a while for me to walk it off. I'm better now :)

Oh, I almost forgot...
family tradition : we watch this.

01 February 2011


I love this holiday! So many sweet words of kindness are filling the air. 

The only bummer part about it is I have a cold and I am constantly using a tissue :(

Remember that awesome package I got in the mail?? I never told you what was in it! My family sent me a package of valentine goodies! I cannot wait to make cupcakes with cute wrappers and sprinkles. I LOVE MY FAMILY!! The cupcakes will look like this.
Have a great Tuesday!