28 September 2011

Twilight in Espanol

Hola! Hoy miramos Twilight en Espanol y fue tan divertido! Queso fue bien romantico, Anna y Kent hicieron snuggle y practicaron el Espanol juntos en la sofa suave.

Hi, this is Anna and KENT blogging! :) Kent's first time ever!!!! I'm so proud of him doing this with me. Queso, what we were saying is that last night we had a very romantic night watching Twilight in Spanish. It was good for Anna to learn a little, and Kent to refresh. We will DEFINITELY be doing it again. (maybe even tonight!) Seriously, go try it. Even if you don't know Spanish, it will be funny :) 

My stay at home boyfriend, Kent, had a job interview today. He has been looking for a little while, and we're happy to say that it went pretty well! :) To prepare for this interview, I helped Kent practice typing words per minute in spanish.  He was awesome and got 50 wpm. Way to go boyfriend. Then he went to the gym and listened to a playlist I sent him. How cute <3 
Kent also saw a bug guy, and he used the same bug sprayer that he used when he was a bug guy!

My kansey babey, Anna, woke up at 9 a.m. and had 0 min., 0 sec., to get to her 9a.m. class! Looking soo beautiful she walked in at 9:10 and sat by herself. I wish I could have been there for her to sit on my lap. She would have payed soo much attention. I made a visit to Anna while she was in the library studying her little heart out. It was wonderful to see her and she thought I looked so sharp in my shirt and red tie. ooo lala

We are now blogging together and getting ready to clean the kitchen, and go to Kent's soccer game. We're so excited!! And eat. We made some enCHIladas muy deliciosas. It was from the Manattan 2nd Ward RS cookbook from Jenna Ratcliffe. You should make it!! Supa easy, supa fun, supa good.

Pues, Les queremos, paz, y que Dios les bendigas!!! 

27 September 2011

Guess what I get to see everyday?

You betcha.

Men playing tennis. 

I think I've gotten a little better at the sport just from hearing the smacks of the rackets everyday. The courts are literally right outside my window, and so it's what I wake up to, and what I nap to. (haha, don't ask me what time I get up).

I usually put together these awesome collages and this year I didn't live up to what I would have liked to see. Here is my last year one:

and this is this year:

I could and still can do way better. I feel like that doesn't really convey what this semester is really like. Those are just pictures I like. hmmm... I'll work on it and make another one.

General conference is this weekend! Kent and I are attending the Sunday Morning session. To learn more about how I spend my weekend on general conference weekends, go here.

Okay I'd better shut up and let my roommate get some sleep.

Night :)

20 September 2011

I here is a picture post:

 I am in a photography class, finally. Here was our first assignment. We were supposed to find something in natural light and take 24+ pictures of it (take as many as you need to in order to get sick of taking pictures of it) to find a creative side. I chose these 4 for my "final best photos" We post them to a blog, and then get graded. 

Kent and I have been making yummy dinners together! We got some cute pictures, but I haven't uploaded them yet. We went to a farmer's market the week before school started. Here is a picture of us eating corn on a stick:

This is when we were in Utah. These horses are in his grandparents backyard! We fed them carrots. Kent's looks like Secretariat :)

School's going well, and getting better. Tonight I need to do some more readings and find an article for English.  Today we had an amazing devotional. The topic was temples. There are currently 135 LDS temples in operation.  13 under construction! That includes the Kansas City Temple!!! 
Kansas City temple:
You might recognize it in this picture too :)
We took a visit there :)

Have a great week!

16 September 2011


We were meant to be
Today I walked out of my house into the cool Idaho air at 7:30am. I figured the sun would eventually come out mid-morning (like the beautiful Kansas weather I'm used to ;), but it didn't. Instead the clouds grew darker and it became colder with a little rain. I could either feel gloomy or bitter about it, or embrace the fact that I forgot a jacket. I enjoyed feeling the cool air and sprinkles. But I did choose to wear my leather watch and leather-y shoes.. ha.

Formal introduction: This is Kent (right side). He served a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Spanish speaking. I find it super attractive when he speaks Spanish ;) We have been together 6 months and he's my favorite person to be with. ever. We are goofy, cute, we LOVE food, and have awesome goals. I'll mention him a little more in these posts :)
That picture makes me laugh.

I am having some trouble figuring out my major and what I want to be doing, career wise, with my life. Things have been going really well for me as far as situations in life goes, but I'm a little confused at what I should be doing and questions of "why am I here" come to mind. 
ahh it's all really hard, but I'll get through it. 

Love ya,

05 September 2011

I think I'll go buy a Pug

Who wouldn't want one after seeing this picture?!?! Follow the life of this pup on his facebook site here. I know I already do.

04 September 2011


My awesome sis

Happy September! It has been a while since I've posted anything. I have been busybusybusy getting ready for school and finishing photos. It has been one of the best summers of my life. I have had the most amazing time with my family, and especially with my sister, Claire. We have become so much closer and I just love her to death. 

School starts on the 12th, and boy am I ready. I'm ready for change, like some school WORK. But I still know I will get overwhelmed and frustrated at everything. It's still fun to participate and try to figure out what I really want to be doing with my life. It's a real wake up call if you ask me. 
Hopefully I'll keep this blog more updated than I did in the past school semester. It's a good way for me to get my opinion and point across, and whoever wants to read about it, feel welcome! :)

I learned how to curl my hair with a straightener!! It's fun and cuuuute. Just don't burn yourself - not fun. Here's a linky:
I didn't actually use this video, in fact I've never even watched it. But I'm sure it gets the point across, and with 3 million views, how can I go wrong?

There are so many things I want to say! I just don't know how to express them!! So I'll just hang up now. 

Have a wonderful Sabbath day! Spend it with yo family.
Much love,


You should buy some.