{ This is me the day before school at BYU-Idaho - in our hotel - 9/8/2010 }
Here is a snipit from an email I sent to my mom on 9/15/10:
Yesterday I dropped my face-scrub-soap bottle into the toilet. I rinsed it off with Hot water and soap, so it's clean now, right?
I walked all the way across campus in a silly outfit just to go get some more quarters for laundry in the future.
Today I tried to squeeze myself through a 6-inch gap between a truck and a car, I made it through, but I had to laugh at myself.
These aren't really things I learned.. but they are funny freshman stories that I hope you like :)
Thanks for raising me with an attitude of, it's okay to laugh at my mistakes.
Love you lots,
p.s. we go through AT LEAST 3 rolls of toilet paper per week. It's a little insane. I'm trying to use only 3-4 squares now.
I got an A on both quizzes!
I write give you this because 30 minutes ago I was just casually drinking my water when I drop my bottle onto the table and EVERYTHING splashed *onto my face! EVERYTHING. Oh, come on Anna, it was just a little water. I was COVERED in H2O. It was soooo embarrassing. I literally had to wipe my face off multiple times with my hands.
But I can laugh about it... now. So it reminded me of this email. :)
Yay. Okay now I have to write a paper.
~ Tootles ~
p.s. Do you ever get those weird situations where you look at a word, and say it, and suddenly you wonder why it exists? *Onto. Onto should correctly be pronounced "(oh-no-toe)". weiiiird.
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