10 February 2011

Awkward AND Awesome

{ The awesome and awkward me }

Sometimes you just need to appreciate those awesome and awkward moments of your week.

- Choking on water in the quiet section of the Library... I seem to do this a lot
- Feeling really dumb in Book of Mormon class because we are talking about the teachings of Isaiah
- I went running, and this kid tried to hold a conversation while running... yeah that doesn't really work for me
Finding my underwear in our apartment's bathroom because I forgot to take it back to my room after showering

* My granny sent me a Valentines Day package :)
* All of my valentines were successfully mailed yesterday
* The banana bread I made for English class was DELICIOUS
* I went to the cupcake factory and had a Cupcake Brownie (yuummm...) in celebration of doing well on a test that didn't even matter
* We are learning an AWESOME tap routine in tap - I'm beast at it.
* Playing Harry Potter UNO with cool people!
* Crashing a Stake Dance
* Eating a bowl of brownies and ice cream, even though you know you shouldn't

{ Happy Valentines Day! }

I am having an awesome/awkward week, and I hope you are too!

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