06 March 2012

When I don't know

I have officially decided something very cool. When I don't know what to blog about I will talk about our daily photo from a couple days ago. brilliant, right?

Family Home Evening is something Kent and I enjoy.
Kent enjoys MY FHE so much that he skips his :) 

On Monday we walked into my fhe brother's apartment to the smell of brownies. We played backwards charades and Kent was the lead roll every single time! The game is where you reenact a scene from a movie with all your team mates except one, then the one person guesses what the scene was. Kent was *so cute and played along so well.  My favorite was when he was Simba and he held onto the couch and then fell around a group of hyenas. 
I find that very attractive.

Kent went and dropped me off today and on his way home he saw our footprints in the snow. While going through his phone to find a recent pic to post he said, "Oh yeah! I took that one and that is how we are going to be for the rest of our life - Walking beside each other."
I think everything is cute (*proof in above paragraph), BUT THAT WAS SO CUTE!!!!

adiosss amigoososss
xox anna

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