05 March 2012


On Saturday my fabulous roommate Camie filmed a video for us! She interviewed us separately about how we met, who kissed who first, who's going to clean up the dirty diapers, etc. It was so fun and cute and I can't wait to put it together and show you! Here are a couple pictures before the interview part.

The weather has been SO NICE lately! In the high 30s low 40s! This is amazing for Rexburg in March.

We had dinner last night with my old roommate and her husband! They are expecting and it was so great to see them and catch up on everything :) 
Kentelope and I talked about how we are going to handle Family Home Evenings in the future. Here's what we've got sofar:
Song. Prayer. Lesson. Closing Prayer. Treat. Activity.

have a goooood monday!
xox anna

1 comment:

  1. that was soo much fun Babe:) I can't wait to see it all put together, and to be married!:)
