02 December 2011


For my final project for photo class I must have a theme. My theme is "What makes you happy" and basically it's just capturing the genuine smiles that you can't get by just taking a photograph, you have to interact with the people. I made a video to the music "wink and a smile" - just piano music. Maybe I'll post it lata. I still need 2 more pictures of 2 more smiles.
This is Kent's Mission President who lives in Sugar City (ps the devotional speaker last week was his daughter). He is explaining books to Kent, and I caught this one when he was explaining science fiction :)

These are our really good friends, David and Lauren. They had some reaction from family and friends when they came out of the Temple together. It was wonderful and you can't really tell but David is looking right at the camera and Lauren at him with awesome, real smiles on. 

This is Caitlin, my visiting teacher and whom I visit teach as well. After our message in November I asked her what makes her happy, and she brought out her yukilayle (spell check). She sang the cutest song with a beautiful voice - it was amazing! Right when she started strumming, she gave me this smile.

This is LaKesha, my wonderful neighbor! She brought out her guitar, and guess what? She learned to play it and taught HERSELF! It was amazing! I tried to hold a guitar once and it didn't really work out. She sang "If I Die Young" ahh love that song.

This is LaKesha's Sister, Kira (and also my lovely neighbor) She was in the middle of making brownies as she explained why it makes her happy and how she makes them. She uses a mint frosting, and I'm sure they are beyond delicious! I like this cute laugh.

This is Katrina my fabulous roommate. I love her and her hair - it looks good ALL THE TIME. She loves music and was explaining her favorite bands. 

Christine loves Twinkies. She was holding a twinkie and kept saying "this is so stupid" while Katrina helped me make her smile. It worked! ha

Michael came over to Katrina, Christine and I while we were taking Christine's picture in the parking lot. I asked him what makes him happy and after like 8 pictures of him at the piano, we finally got a good one. He looks happy :)

I needed a happy picture of Kent and asked him, "What makes you happy?" He said, "you" - so cute. So this is just a picture of him in a field looking at me I guess! I just love this smile and I think I'll miss those cute braces. 

So happy. with a cat. :) 

I love kitties

Look at how happy he is! I just took this at random after some pizza from 5 buck.

Biking in the winter cold hurts sometimes. and also looks funny sometimes.

Have a happy day!

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