13 August 2011


 If you ever need a crafty inspiration, go to your local fabric store, or just browse some fabric patterns online. IT'S A WHOLE WORLD OF IDEAS OUT THERE. Currently I am working on new business card and a new design for my business and a new design for my blog.
I just went on a maternity photoshoot. It was my second one, and it was really fun!! I think we got some good ones :)

Parker turns seven this Monday, but we celebrated by throwing him a party on Saturday! It's always fun throwing a party for little kids. I was in charge of the cake. This was last years: It was a Pirate party.

I made cupcakes too :)

This year he had a phineas and ferb party. When I explain that to my grandparents, they repeat it, ("Phineas and Ferb?") and say hmm, that's interesting. Sometimes I wonder how the older generations feel about our entertainment today.
I'll show you pictures about it lata. maybe. I'm kinda behind on everything, and this is the last week (basically) that I'm here in Manhattan. After that, Kent comes! And I will have no time to focus on what needs to be done. So this is the week to buckle down and get things done. 

Last year around this time I was nervous, but excited to go to college. This year, it's the opposite. I'm excited, but nervous. There's definitely a difference. I think it's different because I know what to expect, and now I need to get in the groove of either doing things better or EVEN BETTER! So, yeah. That's how I feel right now. 

Have a good weekend!!

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