11 March 2011

Education Technology Winter 2011 Class

{ My technology }

Hello. My name is Anna and I am in the Education Technology class at BYU-Idaho. I have been given an assignment to create a blog and then learn about the fun world of blogging. But lucky me! I already have one :) Here is a post for all you EDtech people to comment on, if you would like. Please feel free to give me your ideas on how my blog looks, or how I can improve it :)



  1. I love your blog! It's really simple, yet sophisticated. I like the signature you have for your posts. I also really like the text font you use. It looks handwritten like on a chalkboard or something!

  2. Anna,
    Your blog is way better than my. I really like the background color. If this assignment was a competition on who had the coolest blog! You would’ve won.
