28 May 2012

Memorial Day.

I had never realized it but families are built on traditions that continue and build a family stronger. As I sat in a lawn chair listening to my dad play in the Manhattan Municipal City Band on Memorial Day I realized that we do this every summer. Every Memorial Day we listen to my dad play (I was able to be in the same band with dad last summer - way cool! - but not this time because someone has to get married...) then go out to eat at Sirloin Stockade Buffet and then take my grandma to go see her husband's grave in Ft. Riley. It's a wonderful day we have to spend with family and remember the lives of those who have served for our country. I hope I can continue traditions like this for our new little family. :)

Every stinkin year for some unknown reason, claire and I usually look like we just woke up (no makeup, messy hair, etc.), throw on our 8th grade "flag" shirt and call it good. Knowing beforehand that we take about 50 pictures this day, we decided to get up EARLY and get READY.

I say we did a pretty good job.

Me and grandpa 

Grandma and a random picture of Kiva
{ps she got sprayed by a skunk saturday night and had to sleep in the garage :( poor baby}

We did not end up visiting my grandpa's grave this time because of the heat, but we did go out to eat at Sirloin. Good Family Memories :)

How did you spend your memorial day?

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