This morning we discussed about the melting Ice cap in the North and how it might be gone by 2070 in my Environmental Stewardship class. We talked about the concerns for the polar bears and whales. How the polar bears drown and how the whales were suffering because of the food they eat not having the ice to live on or something... (I wasn't really paying attention because my mind started wandering). Then we started talking about different kinds of whales. I was fascinated by how grey whales swim from the colder regions in the North then down to the Baja area just to give birth, then travel back.
So naturally I started Googling whales.
Every kind of whale I could think of went in the little search box:
Gray Whale
Blue Whale
Killer Whale
Sperm Whale
Beluga Whale
Then I got to Narwhals.
"Narwhals Jousting for Superiority "
Did you know that the long unicorn horn is a TOOTH that grows out from their upper left jaw?? And only the males have it?? To Joust for the females!? I had no idea! I thought it might be something to help it hunt, or help it scrape the bottom of the floor to find or scare food. but nananana, it's to fight for a woman. Then they mate and gestation is 15 months where the calf is born 5 feet long! and hangs out with the mom for 20 months and then will be full adults at 5-8 years old.
I challenge you to read about something random that you enjoy learning about. Mammals that live underwater is for me. What is it for you?
Thanksgiving is coming and something I felt grateful for this morning was my teeth while eating my jelly-ed bread on the way to class (which I was right on time to). I started coughing and choking on a piece while crossing the street and after that felt grateful for my teeth to help me not choke.
Kent and I are going to a little family dinner for the Buys cousins tonight. For thanksgiving I will be staying in Rexburg to finish homework and hopefully get it all done before the last three weeks of school begin! yayayaaay I will be home in 29 days!
Here are some pictures (they were taken on my laptop)
Staying up late and eating applesauce while I finish homework before my exciting weekend to Bosie.
Another picture of Kent playing Shark game
Exciting weekend ahead!!
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