This is so cute! I love Richard G. Scott's words, expression of love, and how he speaks of his wife. ah!
Marriage is ordained of God
-You must bring the Spirit into the home
-Don't make fun of one another
-Don't smother one with restrictions
-Don't shut someone else out
-Forgive, say sorry
-Pray for a strong marriage
D&C 49:16-17
Relationships take Time, Communication, and Service
Make time for each other.
Support brothers and sisters at their games, events, or performances.
Eat as many meals together as you can.
Make FHE a priority.
Dedicate a day per week to doing something as a family.
Cook, clean, pray, play, and laugh together
Be spontaneous. When you find time toether you hadn't planned on, do something fun.
Make time to talk. Have family councils and parent-child interviews. (greater love and patience for children, take more care in raising children)
Create common goals
Study scriptures together. This can start great conversations.
Watching TVor movies together can be enjoyable, but it's a poor substitute for interaction.
When there is friction, it may help if someone who isn't involved acts as peacemaker.
Wen one person has a problem, everyone shares it
Find ways to serve each other, especially anyone you're having problems with.
Find ways the family can serve together
"For how knoweth a man the master whom he has not served, and who is a stranger unto him, and is far from the thoughts and intents of his heart?" (Mosiah 5:13)
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