25 November 2011

So Thankful

I don't know who I would be without this man right here. Ever since we have been together he has supported me, makes sure I am taken care of and comfortable and makes me laugh all the time. We have found each other! He is a HUGE blessing in my life and I am so thankful for him every single day.

I am thankful for family
I am thankful for friends
 I am thankful for laughter
I am thankful for hot chocolate
I am thankful for crying
I am thankful for babies
I am thankful for fans
I am thankful for music 
I am thankful for love
I am thankful for technology
I am thankful for clothes
I am thankful for a home
I am thankful for pictures
I am thankful for an education
I am thankful for life
I am thankful for roommates
I am thankful for animals
I am thankful for paninis
I am thankful for ice cream
I am thankful for socks
I am thankful for smiles
I am thankful for a body
I am thankful for kind words
I am thankful for written letters
I am thankful for service

I am thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ
I am thankful for God
I am thankful for My Savior

Here are some more pictures from our Thanksgiving day photo shoot:

What a cutie.

 Hope yours was happy!


  1. Okay, so Kent probably already told you, but you are adorable and I stalk your blog. I guess now that you know it's not so much stalking anymore. I seriously love everything about you! We can't wait to be in Rexburg with you guys! Love ya girl.

  2. Lauren! Thank you!! ha I'm glad you like the blog and me! I have SO many questions for you, and you probably can guess about what... sooo, I need your number, and I'll get it from Kent if that's okay :) We can't wait to be with you guys in Rexburg too! I think you are adorable. Talk to you soon.
